Strang Ranch

Training & Lessons
We have been in the horse business at this ranch for over 50 years. With a heritage of fox hunting, raising sport horses, pony club and common sense we are proud of our program. Developing happy, sane horses with understanding riders for a future in whatever sport a rider wants to choose. Strang ranch has raised and developed upper level event horses, top quality hunters, grand Prix jumpers and some pretty good cow horses.
We take very good care of our string of very special school horses and ponies.
For more information on rates, download our Full Rate Sheet​ below:
Full training ( 18 rides minimum) $600/mo
All other rides (exercise, hack, school) $50
*** note there is a 5$ discount for group lessons for paying ahead or those in a regular program***
Private Adult $85
Private Child $65
Semi- Private adult $55
Group lesson adult $45
Kids group (under 16) $35
Use of ranch horse for lesson (additional) $30--$75
Rental of horse for show/hunt/trail ride/free ride without lesson (With special permission only) $30-$75
Pay pal options for stabling
Stall $38/night
Pen $28/ Night
Pay pal

Bridget Strang
Bridget Strang has been on the farm, and around horses her whole life. She achieved her “A” rating in Pony Club, evented at the Advanced level for several years on a home bred horse, has shown up threw fourth Level Dressage, and shown cutting horses at the NCHA western states championships. She shows at numerous AA rated shows, and has qualified and taken several students and horses for the national championships at Harrisburg and Washington. Both the hunter and jumper business and the lesson program focus on healthy, happy horses and riders. She used to breed sport horses, and enjoys developing the young horses as well as the young riders and adults.
Photo: Country Swing a OTTB Bridget developed that went on to be a top hunter in the country.